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Lessons at Centerline



Beginner lessons focus on tacking up and grooming your horse, learning basic equine anatomy, and developing strong safety practices useful in any horseback riding. Riding comprises approximately only 30 minutes of these 50 minute lessons.



Continuing the focus on safety, advanced lessons expand a rider's ability in order to maximize the horse's and rider's overall performance.

Lesson design varies depending on each rider's ability and progress.

Getting Started

​Lesson Preparation


Intermediate and advanced riders should arrive at least 20 minutes before the start time of their lesson in order to tack up their own horses.  Also, all riders should plan to remain at least 15 minutes after the ride is over in order to help un-tack, groom and put away their horses.




Due to safety concerns, beginners of all ages are limited to private lessons. In order to graduate to group lessons, riders must prove they can walk and trot their horse without a guide.

​Equipment & Safety


​All riders are required to wear approved riding helmets while mounted.  Helmets are available to borrow.  Centerline asks that, after the first package of 4 lessons, students purchase their own helmets if they are  planning to continue with lessons.

Students are required to wear a boot with a slight heel -- no tennis shoes are allowed at any time; and long pants. Jeans are acceptable, though not the most comfortable. ‘Yoga pants’ are recommended if the rider does not own riding breeches.


There is a 225 pound weight limit for all riders.


Ultimately, Centerline's goal is to ensure safety and enjoyment throughout the riding experience.


Ride Your Own Horse


​Arrangements can be made for riders who want to take lessons on their own horses. Trailer-ins are always welcome for an additional $10 fee.




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